Andre LaS : Very interesting, I am only guessing, but I believe that the distance between Contour Lines is 2 Meters? It would
be nice if the contour line were in feet -
But mostly unlikely ! So To start your new land is at a higher elevation that your posted location in San Diego !?!
I am going to assume that the top of the photo is
True North.
You have an obvious water feature. The Black Pond very close to to Your Northern Property Line. There is a line of dark green vegetation showing a natural drainage
line flowing west nearly paralleling the same property line ! There is a good point for a secondary long-ish dam just below the Northwest corner of your property !
Unless I have missed a major terrain feature
I believe this is your key line, with the exception of some areas selected for pocket ponds or stock tanks all your Swales
should promote drainage towards this line.
The principle land feature is a ridge line of high ground starting at the Eastern property line that parallels a
local access road ! The highest ground is located close
to that point near the building cluster and tending to drop to the west towards a principle stream not on the property !
To help clear identification of this land feature 1) click on the photo which will increase its size 2) Taking your right hand use your middle finger to perform the
one finger salute. (A.K.A. 'the bird')
Hold your right arm out in front of you rotating your palm away from you ! By holding your right hand horizontal and then moving it over the photo from the right
hand (eastern?) side you will be able to cover up the just the ridge if your Finger/hand is close to your face .
The Worked field located in the lower corner seems to be divided by a band of greenery probably marking a water
course parallel with your property line very near
your Southeast property line ! If this spot is presently muddy now- it may be worthwhile to have a diversion dam at this point to carry run-off westerly parallel to your
Southern property line and install a stock tank near the South Western corner of your Upper Worked Field !
Almost directly South of your Black Pond the ridge line creates a Saddle. If we were standing in the saddle facing toward the Black Pond the ground would fall away
from our location both in front of us ( toward the pond ) and directly behind us, Higher ground would be to both our right and our left !
Again as though we were standing in the saddle, the hill to our Left drains to the south on rather steep ground! Even given that, it may be possible to add a swale to
the Southern slope of that hill along Contour line between 1254 and 1260 and diverting surface run of towards the saddle; but draining to a spot north of it if possible.
Initially into a stock tank or pocket pond while its seasonal flow is monitored .
Directly to the north of the ''Left hand hill'' is an interesting terrain feature which may be an extensive rock shelf or Plateau. On its Northern border note the pinched
nature of its contour lines . That and the small clossed-circle contour lines represent an incomplete Channel. This area may deserve a Swale line that diverts surface
water run-off from your northern property line back towards the East and towards the "Black pond''! Remember our goal is to slow runoff by spreading it horizontally
and allowing it to sink into and raise the water table.
I have not speculated on directing runoff from around the Farm Buildings Area . This will depend on effectiveness of water capture And the needs of the worked field
already mentioned south of those buildings !
I hope that this was timely and helpful, for the Good of the Crafts . Big AL