Bethani Wilson wrote:We are in Toledo Ohio area.
Also which natural building method do people recommend?
-which method is fastest?
-which is the strongest / most durable?
-which method is least likely to freak out buiding inspectors etc?
The place to start if in a building code enforcement area is with the
local BSO(Building & Safety Office) for the latest code since they can change at any time. We can go round and round to
answer your questions but if they won't allow it what good is it. Strawbale has been recently added to 2015 IRC in the appendix so you have what is called a "prescriptive path" to comply not needing a Pro Engineer to stamp drawing's If they have adopted it, if so that is the least resistant path. Much of NM, AZ, CA has "Earth Construction" codes, again, If your BSO will adopt. All those methods if followed and inspected by experienced people can yield a good design_build depending on local sourcing and skill level of the trades to perform the work.
The state of OH has adopted 2009 but that can change this year depending on what your local jurisdiction has adopted in part, full, or not at all so check. There are no earth construction codes in it. Looks like OH has also adopted an
energy code (IECC) a designer needs to be potentially aware of as well.
If code does not allow any of your preferred methods you have to hire a licensed pro engineer (PE) perhaps and Architect, most BSO's allow that. The next hurdle will be getting past any restrictive covenants.