ev kuhn wrote:where can I get seedlings, clippings, seed of such shrubs cheap or even free?
My favorite thing to do (although I haven't been doing it long enough to see much results yet) is to pick a bunch of berries and fruit whenever I find them in a wild or feral situation. Elderberries, wild persimmons, crab apples, hackberries, deciduous holly with the pretty red winter berries the birds love -- whatever wild fruit I find that I don't currently need to eat. I scatter half of them fresh along
fence lines or anywhere else I'd like to have fruitful shrubbery, and I dry the other half in my dehydrator and include them in the mix whenever I am scattering dynamic accumulator or cover crop seeds. Basically my scheme is to overload my local seed bank with fruit producers, in hopes of future productivity in locations that I am not smart enough to specifically select, or under climate and weather conditions that haven't happened yet.
Obviously there are many more species that I would prefer to have, were I rich enough to buy nursery shrubs and clever enough to ensure their survival. But as I am neither, scattering free local fruit seeds profligately is my next best scheme.