Sometimes when I'm out doing more or less mindless things, I sort of zone out and random thoughts pop into my head that I don't think I would have ever thought of otherwise. A couple of days ago I was shoveling another
UTV load of soil, and I thought about the whole food diet in a completely different light: this diet (including "healthy whole grains") is essentially the neolithic diet.
Modern food with tons and tons of sugar and carbs is clearly bad for you, and this is evident by the poor health of so many Americans and (to a lesser extent) other Westerners. So moving back to the diets of 50-100 years ago is certainly an improvement. But what evidence is there to support choosing the neolithic diet over the paleolithic diet? To the best of my knowledge, the evidence is actually strongly the other way - the change to the neolithic diet thousands of years ago was comparable to the recent change to the 'modern diet' in it's effects, if not more so. Stunted growth, bad teeth, weak bones, etc. It was the original "modern diet", Modern Diet 1.0 as opposed to the Modern Diet 2.0 AKA SAD.