posted 8 years ago
Thanks for the info. I was really hoping I could find the original post because I believe (at least I think I remember it this way) that it covered all sorts of food - essentially, it took into consideration carbs, protein, and fat. I also remember that it listed the plants in a column format, rather than a bunch of plants listed in a single sentence.
That's the tricky part I think, about planting food. I sometimes get lost in convenient, locally available plants, plants that bare food that I love, and what will grow here in North Florida well. That leaves me with a bunch of food coming up at about the same time. I'm finding it difficult to keep one critical thing in mind when planting in my garden, which is, always having fat/protein/carbs available for harvest.
To me, it's not really fully functioning garden in the way I had imagined if I'm not able to sustain myself from it all year round.
I wish I could remember more about the original article so I could find it. I know it's on here somewhere. :)
Thank you everyone!