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Seeking workstay volunteer to help on my little piece of dirt in North Central WA

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I have been living and building on my little piece of dirt, 20 acres in the Okanogan Highlands, since 2009. So far I have build a cabin/house which still needs a little more work, hand dug a well and have a small seasonal garden. It is my hope to eventually have a permaculture agroforest built on hugelkulture mounds on my hill, nothing is flat here, and live a sustainable lifestyle to the end of my days.

This summer I am starting the hulgelkulture mounds on contour in preparation to plant trees and other plants next spring. There are also numerous other tasks on a daily basis to maintain the property and create things.

I am seeking openminded people who are not afraid of hard work, getting dirty, having fun and love nature. I prefer individuals who do not consume alcohol or only on rare occasions. Recreational cannibis is legal here and I do not have any objection to it's use but again moderation is the key.

My place is very rural, 27 miles from the nearest town, 5 miles up a gravel/dirt road and the national forest is within hiking distance. I live completely offgrid but have wifi available and there is cellphone reception. The closest town is Tonasket, WA. There is a community culture center in town and lots of "local" events in the area.

I am a grandmother who has raised not only my own 4 evil demon spawn but adopted 5 more to call mine. As a necessity to provide for them, I lived in a city and worked the 9 to 5 routine for decades. Now they are all grown and off to create their own lives. Periodically they come up and one or the other stay for a spell but mom's dream is not theirs. Growing up I had lived on and worked my grandmothers farm and loved it. I had always wanted to have a farm just like she did but life gave me a slight detour. Now I am back to where I always wanted to be. I have hosted workstay volunteers before via HelperX, am very openminded and a bit of a free spirit. I have a dog, a cat and 6 chickens.

I offer a place to stay in what I consider paradise, good meals and a view to die for.

Thank you,

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My place
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Unfortunately I can't offer what you're seeking. But, I wanted to say hi. My family has 40 acres in the Aeneas Valley, with the closest town being Tonasket. My parents built their cabin last Summer and my husband and I are building an earth bag dome home this Summer. We are also off grid.
Laverne Hendrix
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Small world! I am in Aeneas Valley too!

I eventually would like to build either an earthship or bag home here but for now this house of sticks will have to do.

Maybe we can meet up some day

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Sounds like my kind of place. I have a lot of construction experience and am very very involved with nature and bushcraft. I have no family. Never been married and no ties to Anything. Nothing is keeping me here. I am Very VERY interested in your offer and more than willing to stay help take care and live to good old natural way like its supposed to be Again I am VERY interested in what you are trying to accomplish and willing to devote my being to this dream. I'm all for this 100%!! Also. www.instagram.com/bushcraftgoblin
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Me out urban hiking since I live in a concrete jungle
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Hi Laverne,

Your place sounds nice, and your plans for this year sound like something I could be a good helper on.

I am just down in Wenatchee, and want to stay somewhat close. The only way I am ever going to realise my dream of my own little piece of NCW is by getting out of my apartment, learning, and saving. Most of what I have to contribute is energy and enthusiasm. I've read a few books by authors like Sepp Holzer and Joel Salatin. I have very little experience farming. I have been a soldier, a volunteer firefighter, a maintenance dude, and a bartender. I went to school for natural resources and learned that I want to farm.

I'd love to hear more about your farm and your goals and plans for it.


Laverne Hendrix
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Michael and Collin ... i sent you both a PM

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I too am looking for an opportunity such as yours.I am a 49 year old woman a lifetime of experience homesteading. I'm have raised French Alpine dairy goats and Icelandic sheep.Also Berkshire hogs and Muscovy ducks. I am also a very good gardener and cook.I am looking to move to Oregon within the month. If you are interested in talking more please let me know.
Laverne Hendrix
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Well am a little farther north than Oregon

Still seeking helpers
Vicki Marie
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Could you use my help?
Laverne Hendrix
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Yes Vicki, I can always use help. Check your purple moosages.
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Laverne, thank you for linking me to your post. I am going to pm you!
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Hello Laverne my husband and I are very interested in your piece of paradise as well! We would love to hear from you. My personal email is jillian.blauvelt@yahoo.com
Laverne Hendrix
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Hello fellow permies !!!  I now have two guests staying here and would not be able to feed anyone more as I am on a fixed income and the farm is still in the beginning stages so I do no produce an abundance to sustain us.  I do welcome people who have their own shelters, supplies and just want to camp here in exchange for a little work but other than that I am at my limit.  As we progress I will be adding a tiny house, more animals and the agroforest will start to produce more and more food so there is always the possibility of opportunities for others to join us up here in paradise in the future.
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I sent a PM
Laverne Hendrix
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Spring 2019 Update.

This years projects: Creating terraces and a road up the hillside.  Building a tower for a small wind generator. Sectioning off small areas to rotate goat foraging areas.

I currently have no workstay volunteers so give me a message if you wanna come help.

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Laverne Hendrix wrote:Spring 2019 Update.

 Building a tower for a small wind generator.

Do you have a particular generator in mind?

Alibaba has someinexpensive ones.
Laverne Hendrix
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I have one from my Uncle just need to put up a tower.  It does not have to be very tall because I always have wind up on the side of the hill.
Laverne Hendrix
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Still needing help.  Help Help Help :D thank you
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Laverne, sent you a pm!
Laverne Hendrix
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2024 - Well it has been 8 years since my original post and a lot of things have been accomplished. I still am here woot!

I am looking for volunteers Please message me if you would like to help.

This summer's projects:

Completing goat barn made from pallets
Restoring two travel trailers
Adding more fencing to keep out free range cattle
Day to day farm chores

I am seeking openminded people who are not afraid of hard work, getting dirty, having fun and love nature. I prefer individuals who do not consume alcohol or only on rare occasions. Recreational cannibis is legal here and I do not have any objection to it's use but again moderation is the key.

My place is very rural, 27 miles from the nearest town, 5 miles up a gravel/dirt road and the national forest is within hiking distance. I live completely offgrid but have wifi available and there is cellphone reception. The closest town is Tonasket, WA. There is a community culture center in town and lots of "local" events in the area.

I offer a place to stay in what I consider paradise, good meals and a view to die for.

Thank you,
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"To do good, you actually have to do something." -- Yvon Chouinard
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