My goal? To create a wildlife habitat on our surburban (almost rural) property using mostly California native plants and inspire others to do the same.
Also to learn how to grow some edibles - more than the herbs I have grown before.
My goal? To create a wildlife habitat on our surburban (almost rural) property using mostly California native plants and inspire others to do the same.
Also to learn how to grow some edibles - more than the herbs I have grown before.
My goal? To create a wildlife habitat on our surburban (almost rural) property using mostly California native plants and inspire others to do the same.
Also to learn how to grow some edibles - more than the herbs I have grown before.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
K Putnam wrote:And, of course, the backside of the fence line is totally unmanaged blackberry. After reading this and a few other threads here, I am thinking about adding some salmonberry next spring to try to create a natural barrier.
As a word of warning, the salmonberry will also try encroaching on your garden. It does this by runners, as well as growing really fast and then falling over when it rains (it just droops over. The limbs don't touch the ground when they do this, but it does get annoying because you think you've got the salmonberry hedge trimmed, only to have it grow fast and then fall over. Most of my paths in my wetland/zone 4-5 are hedged by salmonberries, and this spring has been annoying with all it's heavy rains. I've had to trim the drooping branches a lot. It's not that hard, and I do it with pruning shears. But, it is annoying.). Still, it's much less invasive than the blackberry, easier to manage, not as poky, and can be replaced/interspersed with other berries as years go by.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot:
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
This is all just my opinion based on a flawed memory
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