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How to support yourself as a "Permaculture Enthusiast"

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We have been wrestling with the problem of how to support yourself while you are trying to "Live Off the Land," for five years.

We have found ways that "Permaculture Enthusiasts " can work during the off season, on their land, and make enough money to support themselves for the rest of the year.

You never leave the land and have to get a job to support yourself and you do not have to know anything about Internet marketing.

The Sustainable Living Center of Oregon has developed a line of big ticket permaculture products. By attending a Workshop November 12 -19, 2017 you will learn how to build products during the winter and sell during the summer.  The cost of week long workshop is $495 plus your lodging.  Each of the products can be sold for more than the cost of the workshop.

This is a “hand on” workshop. You will build the products!  In essence, you will learn how to manufacture a line of products with no royalty, overrides, or franchisee fees.  Once you learn how to build these products, all the products are “Do It Yourself” products and can be manufactured with material that can be purchased at your local hardware store.  The prices listed below are suggested.  You may charge any price and you keep all the money.

The Following are some of the products that will be built, by you, during the workshop.  This is not a lecture Workshop.  All the material and tools will be furnished, but the furnished product stays at the Workshop.

The Chicken Sanctuary sells for $595/each

The Chicken Sanctuary will be demostrated at:

Winter Poultry & Homestead Faire
Admission Free
Lane County Event Center, Hall 1 & 3
February 11, 2017
796 W 13th Ave Eugene, Oregon 97402

Rent the Chicken Sanctuary with two chicken for 5 montsh for $495

Movable Earth Pizza Oven sells for $495/each

Year Around Self Wicking Yurt Cloche sell for $495

For more details on ALL the workshop products and opportunities

Go to www.2017fallworkshop.com
Coralee Palmer
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One of the attendee of our workshops, Dean just did a venture of selling one of the Do it Yourself products.  It was a No Waste Chicken Feeders.  

It was not one of the big-ticket items.   It only sold for $25.   He made the Feeders while it was raining this winter in Oregon and sold them last Saturday, Feb 11, 2017 at the Oregon Poultry Swap in Eugene, Oregon.   He cleared $524 after expenses.  

Dean still has some left over.  If anybody want one for $25, FOB Lincoln City, OR.  Shipping & Handling in the United States $15. Email Dean@NoWasteFeeder.com  

This is not a lot of money, but for 6 hours works at the Swap and building feeders while it was raining, it pays some of the bills.

We are waiting for one of the participates of our Workshops to start selling or rent one of the big-tickets items like the Chicken Sanctuary.  The Chicken Sanctuary offer all the advantages of pasture free range eggs with the protection from predators.

Chicken Sanctuary consist of:
1. Day Time Tractor Dome with 71 sq ft of Pasture
2. Roosting Cube, with No Waste Feeder, Roll-a-Way Nest, & Auto Waterer
3. Weather Triangle & Extra Waterer

Four (4) Month Rates…....Rent*…..Purchase  
Basic Cube\Manual Door $400……$600
Roof & Auto Door 110v… $500……$750
Roof & Auto Door Solar....$550……$850
LED Winter Lights ………....$20……..$ 50

*The Rent Price (not purchase) includes
• Two (2) egg laying hens
• Chicken Feed 50 lbs

Within two days of the arrival, the chickens will lay eggs ready to use!  
Two (2) chickens should lay 8-14 eggs per week.

To find out more about Sustainable Living Product Chick Here to lean how you can support yourself on a Homestead
Coralee Palmer
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We are testing the possibility for a Permaculture Enthusiast to support themselves by making Sustainable types products to generate passive income.  

Passive income is income resulting from cash flow received on a regular basis, requiring minimal to no effort by the recipient to maintain it.

We would like to suggest that if Permies.com would set up an auction for Permaculture type of products and take just 20% of the auction price, it would help support permies and give each Permaculture Enthusiasts a place to sell their products.

We are presently active in this type of auction.  It involves our No Waste Chicken Feeder. Twenty percent of the final auction price goes to support the Poultry and Homesteading Fairs in Oregon.

To see how our Feeders are presently doing at this auction  Click Here

We know there is a market for our Feeders.  For example, Dean, one of our associates, made the Feeders while it was raining this winter in Oregon and sold them, Feb 11, 2017 at the Oregon Poultry Swap in Eugene, Oregon.   He cleared $524 after expenses.

To find out more about our other Sustainable Living Products Click Here

If anyone know of an internet site that has a large audience that might be interested in doing a Permaculture Enthusiast auction.  Please PM us.

Coralee Palmer
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The Chicken Fundraising Auction is over.  The winning bid for our No Waste Chicken Feeder was $26.

Our expenses were 20 % or $5 fee to the Auction. $3 for the 3” PVC Elbow and $2 for a 4-gal square used bucket.  Giving us a profit of $16

We offered the other top bidders the opportunity to purchase our No Waste Chicken Feeder at $26.  We sold 3 more.

We made 4 X $16 = $64 profit.  That is the same profit we would have made by selling 32 dozen eggs and a lot less work.

That is not a lot of money, but there is only 1535 members of the Chicken Auction Fundraiser Facebook Closed Group.
Can you imagine what the profit would have been if permies.com with it 5.1 million view pages had hosted the auction.  

It would also help support permies.com.

What do know how to build and sell?   Think about it.
Coralee Palmer
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Up for Auction New Dual Feed Chicken Feeder

20% donation to Oregon Poultry Swap

Starting bid: $20, increase increments of $1

Ends August 1, 2016 at 5 pm

FOB Lincoln City, OR

• Two feeds at once – chicken scratch, pellets, or grains and grit or oyster shells at the same time

• Minimal maintenance – fill it up and it work well

• No Mess – the ladies fling food everywhere … poo into the food

• Dry feed – dish feeders collect water.

For detail on how to build it: Click for more detail
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