We have been wrestling with the problem of how to support yourself while you are trying to "Live Off the
Land," for five years.
We have found ways that "Permaculture Enthusiasts " can work during the off season, on their land, and make
enough money to support themselves for the rest of the year.
You never leave the land and have to get a job to support yourself and you do not have to know anything about Internet marketing.
Sustainable Living Center of Oregon has developed a line of big ticket
permaculture products. By attending a
Workshop November 12 -19, 2017 you will learn how to build products during the winter and
sell during the summer. The cost of week long workshop is $495 plus your lodging. Each of the products can be sold for more than the cost of the workshop.
This is a “hand on” workshop. You will build the products! In essence, you will learn how to manufacture a line of products with no royalty, overrides, or franchisee fees. Once you learn how to build these products, all the products are “Do It Yourself” products and can be manufactured with material that can be purchased at your
local hardware store. The prices listed below are suggested. You may charge any price and you keep all the money.
The Following are some of the products that will be built, by you, during the workshop. This is not a lecture Workshop. All the material and tools will be furnished, but the furnished product stays at the Workshop.
Chicken Sanctuary sells for $595/each
Chicken Sanctuary will be demostrated at:
Winter Poultry & Homestead Faire
Admission Free
Lane County Event Center, Hall 1 & 3
February 11, 2017
796 W 13th Ave Eugene, Oregon 97402
Rent the Chicken Sanctuary with two chicken for 5 montsh for $495
Movable Earth Pizza
Oven sells for $495/each
Year Around Self Wicking Yurt Cloche sell for $495
For more details on ALL the workshop products and opportunities
Go to www.2017fallworkshop.com