Going to do some apple tree bench grafting and ran across a man on craigslist giving away 18 inch grow tubes. I assume used for trees or grapevines. Would this be something to get and put over my tree grafts when I start my grafting? Would it hurt to use them and if so why ? Sorry , new to grafting and just do not know.
Growtubes can be useful in protecting young trees from nibblers (rabbits), but be careful. If the grow tube falls over it can break off the scion as it is healing.
I was told by a gentleman that I was to put these newly bench grafted apple trees out of the direct sun and keep them under a carport so they did not dry out and die.
Now that I have obtained the grow tubes which are 30 inches tall can I put them out in the direct sun or should i still keep them out of direct sun ?
( they are being put into 3 gallon containers, 30 inch high grow tube over them )
Rototillers convert rich soil into dirt. Please note that this tiny ad is not a rototiller: