Producing your own utilities is a fairly advanced step. Without more information on where you're starting from it's hard to make suggestions for your next step.
Let's say a rented apartment, a wage slave career (so many things that could be), no experience in cooking with real ingredients (just canned and boxed packages). That's actually pretty close to where I started.
How can you get from that to a healthy and
sustainable lifestyle? You're right in thinking money can help here, but even more important is skills. This is the time to start learning and practicing on a very small scale those skills which will
feed into your goals. One of the nice things here is that learning many of these skills will also help you save money.
Learn to garden. Even in the smallest apartment you can start growing some food in pots. Any container with a drainage hole can work as a pot. A little research
online will help you select the right size of container for each plant.
Learn to identify edible plants that grow in your area and make some foraging trips to collect it. Learn to cook with them. Learn to cook, period. The more food you can cook, from the less processed ingredients the cheaper your food is while your nutrition is usually much higher.
Learn to repair things. From sewing clothing to repairing engines, everything you fix, you don't have to buy, doesn't go into a landfill, and is one less thing that has to be made again. Huge impact on both your budget an your environment.
Next time you need kitchen pans, buy
cast iron. That's everything you need to know about why, and how to care for it. I spent 25$ for three of the lowest quality pans out there, 20 years ago. I still cook in them today, and they work better than most of the more expensive pans out there.
There's three very beginning ideas. Maybe you're already past that level. Where do you want to end up and how close are you? With more specific information, more specific responses are possible.
No matter where you're at, start saving. Even if you only put a couple dollars a month to the side, learning to save money like exercising. Practice with the small amount will help develop the necessary mindset. And even a small amount adds up over time.