Yep Dave, too much mass is possible.
And as Glenn explained, too thick a mass can be bad.
First question to ask, what volume you need to heat? And how well is it insulated?
On my
workshop heater, i wish i could modify the amount of direct heat to stored heat.
I have 1.9m² of exposed metal approximately the same as a barrel. And after a while, it's too much quick heat. Mind you, with 635 m3 it takes a while to come up from the 9C° i've had lately, to 18C° Tho if it'm around 13/15C° i'm perfectly all right for working.
I think what i would do now, is to have the "barrel" replaced by a big brick bell, tho, may be not 8 inches thick. It's simple, the bulk of the heat in this case, comes after a good six hours, through the bricks. Which is nice. Keeps the workshop warm during the night.
So i would have the brick bell first, and the metal "radiator" or "barrel" after. Before the chimney. So your extracted heat is cooler.
I think it's hard to reach a good balance in a new build, without the
Another idea i've had, is to use an horizontal metal radiator, onto which you could lay some more mass, in form of a big slab, held with pulleys and counterweights. So when your shop is hot enough, you store more heat. And don't overheat the place.