Hello to all.
I live on a pretty self sufficient farm-ette in the forest in the pacific northwest, yet I know I can do more.
So far:
I have grass fed
milk (and wool) sheep,
chickens and ducks and a great pound-puppy-turned-livestock-gurdian-dog. I just butchered my first hog that I pastured for the last year in a half forest half grassy area. (I have horses too.) I don't use chemical dewormers, unless I absolutely have to. Once for the pig (when I first got him) and once for a sheep that isn't very hardy. The rest of the time I use things like
DE, cayenne pepper, pumpkin seeds and pasture rotation.
I have rain barrels that supply
water to the livestock, orchard and garden. I chop all my
wood by hand, anything too big my neighbor's son comes down to help with his chain saw.
I have a
solar clothes
dryer, an outdoor
rocket stove and an indoor wood stove.
I make my own shampoos, tooth paste, lotions, laundry detergent and dish soap. I barter with a friend that makes my goat milk
soap bars-full of herbs etc. Hopefully this year I will be able to make my own soap with my sheep's milk.
I taught myself to spin, dye wool, felt and knit.
I make kefir, kombucha,
sourdough and lots of other lacto fermented foods that take no electricty to make.
I also
compost and recycle, freecycle, upcycle etc.
I am very interested in learning about all things
permaculture, I think I'm ready now. I am so glad Paul posts on youtube and on another self sufficient forum or I would never have found this site.