Every where you came and left you came in the name of love and left a wake of happiness and tenderness and sweet conflict - sweet conflict.
You don't come round......whispering, everywhere, everywhere....calling, I'm calling your number, calling, calling your number, calling, calling, you're everywhere to me.
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
Build it yourself, make it small, occupy it.
Donkey wrote:
One thought I've had is to insulate a mass (a chunk of steel or something) and passively heat it by the sun. There would be an air channel with a one way valve in the mass through which compressed air would flow out of storage (the tank) to it's use point (air tool, generator, whatever). Seems to me that this would cause the compressed air to expand more, producing stronger push, more energy.
MountainDon Miller wrote:
I don't quite follow what you mean there, donkey? Can you explain what I am missing? Air can only expand so much.
Build it yourself, make it small, occupy it.
Markham Cornoit wrote:Have a wild idea of heating up water by using a windmill. I use to work with electronic's and heavy hydaulic's. At first I wanted to use a hydraulic pump, but a leak would spray the surroundings with hydraulic oil. Is it possible to build a compact hi power waterbrake? It has to be sturdy as well. I don't want to hang in the tower once a week.
r john wrote:
Markham Cornoit wrote:Have a wild idea of heating up water by using a windmill. I use to work with electronic's and heavy hydaulic's. At first I wanted to use a hydraulic pump, but a leak would spray the surroundings with hydraulic oil. Is it possible to build a compact hi power waterbrake? It has to be sturdy as well. I don't want to hang in the tower once a week.
I am concerned with the complicated drivetrain of wind generators and think a hydraulic drive would really simplify the wind turbine especially if used with a hydraulic accumulator. What I am struggling with is finding a slow speed hydraulic pump.
Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration --Thomas Edison ... sweaty tiny ad:
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