yucca for rope and cordage and has an edible
root (ive never personally ate) and is perennial spreading by root and is hard to dig out. It is very strong and leathery but it can give you like papercuts from the side of the leaf blade.
flax or linen has edible seeds, and fiber for softer things like weaving clothing and textiles but ive never used it myself. I donĀ“t know if it self seeds. new zealand flax
should grow there is perennial with long fibers and can be a textile fiber. It looks like yucca and can be really beautiful colors(green, pink, white, red, brown and verigated or solid) but the colors fade when it dries to lighter and darker shades of brown. I used it to make hand crafts by weaving the leaves into flowers for presents and such and the maori ate from woven plates like bbq paper plates and had papery feeling fabrick for clothing. but its not edible and i have no idea how strong it is for cordage or wool.
stinging nettle is great for rope and textiles and if harvested early winter after it goes brown it doesnt sting, is perennial and edible and can have realy long fibers a couple feet long depending on how old the plant is. its my favorite because its silky and easy to harvest. if its too stingy maybe another
nettle species might work, i have no idea which one though.
Hope that helps