Nominally most of the
land is a north facing slope, one corner near the top is east facing. The lower half probably averages about 7% slope. Various little valleys where
water can collect and flow, if it rains.Not quite at the top limit of the land, is a substantial dugout (2 million ltre?) which has been there a long time. There are 2 (3?) valleys which are intended to collect water and divert it to the dugout.
There is a tendency for the land near the top to be wetter, and I gather many years ago there was a spring higher up and west of the top of our land. I think that spring got "adjusted" with someone running around with a bulldozer many years ago.
Those "valleys" collecting water for the dugout. They gather all the water that would be coming through this "damper" region (downhill). Two of these valleys look like someone doing an angled cut with a bulldozer to make a small valley with a downhill
swale. Originally, these were probably just cuts in the soil. Now many years later, there is grass/hay growing in those cuts.
There is no place (other than
hay in the collection valleys) for sediment to settle before getting to the dugout. Hence, getting some sediment out of the dugout is also on the TODO list.
From the downhill side of the dugout to the bottom of the property is maybe 3/8 mile. I anticipate finding lots of places to think about putting ponds (or gullies or ...) either at the beginning of a valley, so somewhere along its
course. How does a person size these things?
I am still building data from which to build a DEM, so I haven't as yet generated topographic maps or done a watershed analysis on the land (I am familiar with GRASS). I recently ran across a nice article which covered egg like curves, which included some which are based on triangles, which probably would fit in with small ponds/gullies here. I could build templates to layup thin plywood forms to cover with glass/epoxy for the walls.
This being the bottom of a glacial lake a few millenia ago, there is lots of clay here. Not very clean clay, but lots of it.
The expected monthly rainfall (peak July) is 3.1 inches. Which works out to about 200 gallons per 100 square feet. If I read the table properly, the expected value on a daily basis works out to a bit over 5 gallons per 100 square feet. We can get snow at any time of the year, even many inches of snow.