I'm going for as low maintenance as possible with my
rabbits. This is the first year I've had rabbits and I've heard horror stories about rabbits getting too hot and kicking the
bucket before harvest time. So, as summer approaches, I'm trying to find ways to keep them cool so they don't croak. They're currently housed in a shed with an open window that sits below several shade
trees. But, summers get into the upper 90s here. I'm not a fan of the idea of lugging gallons of frozen
water every day or draining electricity with an air conditioner or fan.
So here's my idea: I was thinking I'd attach a currogated pvc drain pipe to the side of the shed and dig a trench
underground with several forks in the pipe for mini burrows. I might even terminate the pipe with open dirt since bunnies don't seem interested in burrowing
out of ground (just in). Then they can extend the burrows as they please. After laying the pipe, I'd backfill and the buns can move downward when things get too hot. When it's time for harvest (or other such maintenance), I can attach a one-way door to the burrow's opening.
Thoughts? I'm not engineer, but it seems like an effective solution (albeit labor intensive).
If opposed to the idea, any other low-maintenance ideas?