I thought I would start a
thread to share what I am doing on my just over half acre urban
permaculture homestead. The site is named
Boobook Farm after the common
local owl species.
The aim for the site is to produce a lot of our greens and fruit as well as some of our meat. I also produce fruit
trees and a little surplus food for others. I keep a blog of what we do and share information at my site
Site Details:
Climate - I am located just outside Brisbane, Australia. It is a subtropical climate with about 1100mm of rain a year.
Greens - I have beds in the ground and several edible trees and ground covers in the food forest (moringa, sweet leaf, sweet potato, Brazilian spinach etc). I have also just started fiddling with aquaponics but it is early days.
Fruit - Mainly tropical and subtropical fruit trees. Many are pruned for size control/ease of picking. The list is huge but includes mango, avocado,
jackfruit, mulberry, black sapote, mamey sapote, jaboticaba, yellow sapote, Kwai muk, lychee, longan,
banana, star fruit,
dragon fruit, macadamia and many others.
Meat - I raise quail for meat and eggs in
quail tractors. I also keep a few
chickens for eggs and composting purposes. Off site I do a little hunting of pest species here.
I'll post back when I do things I think are interesting or with articles etc. this thread will sort of be a log on permies