My daughter lives only a few blocks away from Village Holmes - she is an Environmental Science major at Davis. I got to walk around once about 3 years ago but only had 10 min to see things. This spring I'll be up there to see my daughter and I want to spend at least an hour walking around the neighborhood.
Village Homes has come up several times in the last few days in
books I was reading and videos I was watching.
It got me thinking. Are there any other communities like it? (I searched and got this
thread). It also got me thinking that if I were a developer, how would I develop something like Village Holmes? What would I change to make it better? What would make it better?
I started rereading Brad Landcaster's books on Rainwater harvesting this week. It also got me thinking about the best way to start a homestead if you were to find yourself in an RV and a piece of really horrible
land. I think there was a case study on a place they later called Running Rain ?
It let me to wish that Brad Landcaster had been on the show Homestead Rescue or someone else similar to him. Wish someone would produce a show with
Permie people fixing homesteads.
Anyway, I degress but I would love to know what we would all do better if we could redesign village homes or create another, newer one?