This is a
compost sifter I built a couple of years ago when we were shifting large amounts of compost. It will screen a large wheelbarrow loaded to the top in 4 minutes. The pieces to large to fall thorough the screen are excluded from the compost and automatically dropped into a second wheelbarrow. When done sifting, just roll the finished compost to the garden and the unfinished chunks back to the pile.
In the
video, it is set up to run a 1/2 inch screen. I have since built an insert that fits snugly inside the expanded metal and removed the hardware cloth. It is made from old bicycle rims and hardware cloth. I mostly run it through the 3/4 inch expanded metal. If I will be making soil blocks or potting soil I use the 1/4" screen insert.
This is the only design I have seen that makes it easy to convert from mixer to sifter.
The first part is how it was built. You can skip to the end of the video to see it in action. Hope you enjoy.