i had no idea the best place to post this but wanted to get it out. still not sure how to properly navigate any type of forums.
i have found my current passion and am very excited. I am trying to do my part to assist paul in
world domination, and from that i have found a calling to occupy me for a while. I am a member of our
local vfw auxiliary and am fairly active there. we have a great group of people. maybe one of them had ever even heard of
permaculture a year ago. i was given the job of chairman of our fairly inactive one man youth activities committee. when i got the job there was nothing really happening there. i got a folder and a good luck. our post was also suppose to have a committee chairman for their youth activities, but did not. so i sought a member out, found one that is already involved with youth in the community. i am not, so that was important. got my husband to nominate that member for the job, and then we joined the two committees into one joint committee with the 2 of us as co chairs.
we are currently holding 2 meetings for members of both the post and auxiliary to form a real committee and identify volunteers for future projects. i am hoping at least 2 things will come from this. we have
alot of members that never come to the post because of either the bar or hard feelings over something that happened at least 10 years ago. so we are having a meeting at the local library so that members not comfortable coming to the post can still feel comfortable getting involve and maybe come together to help resolve some of those issues as a side effect. the second thing is that we have alot of inactive members. i feel that alot of them may become more actively involved if we had actual projects and interactions going on. we currently have the same things going on with the same people doing the work everytime.
our first
project and the main thing getting me excited about this will be a community garden on the open
land around our post building and parking lot. short term plans will be to put in a few
raised bed garden beds in different microclimates that already exist on the land to start raising fresh produce for our community and to start building biomass while hopefully fixing the ground underneath. growing in these microclimates will provide some educational tools while we spend a year or so learning and doing site analysis. we will be working with children of all ages so they will be learning this stuff young. we will start working with boy scouts, as my co chair is heavily involved with them. my own personal short tune goal will be to find another auxiliary member to take over my chair position of an established committee so that i can focus on the garden project. i will feel that i successfully did my duty to get a committee going while not feeling guilty about leaving someone in the same position i was stuck in when the folder was handed to me.
long term goals of this project are proper site analysis and other
permaculture principles to turn it into a food forest. this is how i feel anyway, but could change depending on committee decisions.
part of the garden project will be at least one
rocket mass heater and finding a way to use it to expand our growing season, while at the same time demonstrating its safety and efficiency. my ulterior motive here is getting people to see one of these in action, learning how they work and desiring to help us getting them coded here. to my advantage we have a retired fire chief who teaches fire safety classes at several places around the state. our current commander is also retired from the fire department. convincing them could very much be used to our advantage. i have been talking about these with anyone that will listen. people are starting to watch videos about them. i refer them to permies and to youtube.
also long term is to bring in other youth groups and involving anyone in the community that wants to get involved. there is also a plot of land about a half block away that was donated to the
city for a community garden that isn't currently being cultivated due to lack of interest or maybe lack people knowing about it. i would like to propose to the city that our garden committee aid or take over the management of it.
it will be a learning
experience for everyone. i have watched alot of videos and have been experimenting in my own back
yard but have no real hands on
permaculture experience, and neither does anyone i know around here. i didn't really realize until last night what a vast
permaculture project this is, with all its elements, which just got me even more excited. without paul and this community there is no way i would be taking on this project so thank you all and wish us luck. i will try to keep you updated on our progress. any advice on any of this is welcome. if there is anyone in the area that wants to help with this project or just come share some of their knowledge would be welcome also. i am hoping that through inspiring interest we will also be able to raise funds to either send individuals to
pdc's and bring back the knowledge and experience, or find someone within whatever budget we can come up with to come teach us here. i hope to have permaculture and rmhs to be a common topic around town.