BlackLight Power Inc. is the inventor of a paradigm-shifting new primary
energy source and a new field of hydrogen chemistry with broad commercial applications. Its wholly-owned subsidiary, Millsian Inc. is dedicated to developing computational chemical design technology based on The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics (GUT-CP), a revolutionary approach to solving atomic and molecular structures.
BlackLight has invented a new primary energy source with applications to heating, distributed power generation, central power generation, and motive power based on a new chemical process of releasing the latent energy of the hydrogen atom, the BlackLight Process. (more at link including
video intro)
I have been watching this company come along. Very interesting claim and they have been able to attract a lot of investors. I don't think this is necessarily
the answer - but an alternative energy source would certainly help us transition away from oil, coal and nuclear.
There was another company in Ireland with claims a few years back that they had discovered a new energy source and they were going to offer it for free to the world. Last I heard, they had assembled a group of scientists and engineers to duplicate their efforts. Nothing new on their site for over a year and their email doesn't function any longer. So, not holding my breath on any of these. Just watching them evolve or dissolve as it were.