The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
hubert cumberdale wrote:
we don't have moles, but do have lots of gophers, in the forest garden i have learned to embrace them. i use them to help me plant, help me loosen the soil, help me with drainage issues, help me with a lot of things. when before they would do nothing but piss me off when i had the wrong mindset. for example the lower area in the forest garden is pretty thick with the white clover right now, the gophers go through and eat some so its not so strong, they also make there little mounds of fresh soil where they plug holes with excess tunnel dirt. this is where i plant my seeds/starts. as the soil is loosened, its got no competition, and well draining, and possibly even fertilized by gopher pee/poop. plants that are planted on the gopher mounds grow at least 2x faster than ones plopped into thick clover.
Seed the Mind, Harvest Ideas.
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What is a Mother Tree ?
There are too many new and different mistakes out there waiting to be made to be wasteing your time repeating the same old mistakes.
Rototillers convert rich soil into dirt. Please note that this tiny ad is not a rototiller:
A PDC for cold climate homesteaders