I am considering the use of cover crops (clovers, alfalfa) in my raised beds to improve soil health and also possibly as a living mulch.
I can't get past the idea that I am planting grass into my beds. The main point of raised beds was to get it above the grass line so grass won't get into it...now I am contemplating putting grass (well, legumes) into there intentionally...
So, how does this work? Practically, when its time to sow seed, am I going to have trouble doing so because of all the plant material? Imagine trying to sow in your
yard it would be difficult. Right now, my
raised bed soil is very soft and easy to plant either seed or transplants. I'm afraid integrating this cover crop will:
1) make planting hard by having to dig through living material
2) Compete with my production plants
3) Increase the total amount of work needed, b/c I'll be trying to keep the clover down (in the case of living mulch)
4) Forever leave my beds a mess
Maybe I would be better off just doing intensive
gardening and composting and adding
compost (or compost tea) to the beds/plants for nutrition and organic matter? Why, really,
should I use cover crops for a small-scale garden?