I know I am very late to this post...but hopefully not TOO late!
My family and I are on the lookout for a new adventure, considering selling our home in the Lone Star State to embrace a life of meaningful work on the land. He's a dedicated physical therapist, and after stay-at-home mom-ing for 2 years I now have been working in office administration. However our dream is to create a different, nature-infused life for our 4-year-old son through homeschooling.
We are seeking a place in Tennessee where the spirit of neighborliness thrives. We bring to the table qualities like kindness, curiosity, hard work, strength, keen observation, resourcefulness, and a helpful nature. We thrive on the simplicity of living, hard work, and passion for cooperation, collaboration, teamwork, and creating mutually beneficial projects and relationships.
With fair
experience in outdoor physical labor and a knack for tending to plants and animals, we are eager to find a community that resonates with our values. If this resonates with you and you think we might be a good fit for your homestead neighborhood, please reach out to
lesleypacini@gmail.com! We are desperate to create a better life for our son.