Hi All,
I'm looking for some feedback on my
greenhouse and
chicken coop design that I modeled after the "Introduction to Permaculture" sketch that I've attached. It will be approximately 14' north-south and 16' east-west, sited on a north-facing slope (no flat ground or south-facing option unfortunately). I'll use the
greenhouse half primarily for growing peppers in the spring, summer and fall then as extra foraging space for my
chickens in the winter.
What I'd like to know is based on the winter/summer angles of the sun, what angle
should I use for my greenhouse wall and what angle/distance should the overhang be? Also, would an automatically-actuated vent at the top of the greenhouse wall be the most cost-effective way to ventilate or would a
solar chimney be a less expensive but equally effective means of ventilating?
I should add that I live at approximately 44* North in Zone 6a.