We are also vegetarians so it is really so awesome to hear from someone who is in the same boat as us!!! Sad to hear you became allergic to your ducks, that must be so hard. Wishing you the best on your endeavors in finding them a new home
So the pigs - They really are so special and we love them to death, it is going to be so hard to let them go. Your situation sounds perfect. We use movable fencing and move them almost every day, every other day depending on how fast they break the ground. Electric fencing is a good option, they have been in that as well and understand it. The bigger their area, the less often you will need to move them. We keep them in a small area because we want the ground cleared quickly and that's the best way to do it. The most important things to consider are shade, and
water. They are black and they cannot tolerate direct sunlight in the warmer months and they will do whatever they have to in order to find shade, so we always always put a shade roof over their pen. They use a lot of water so an automatic waterer is a great option. They are super cheap to feed, kitchen scraps are a great one, moving them daily supplements what they need, we feed them small amounts of whole grains and alfalfa pellets as well, which they LOVE grains of course. They also love
hay and eat hay happily all winter, much cheaper and less fattening than satiating them with grains. We have 4 dogs, and they have been around them plenty. They mostly just ignore the dogs, literally even if the dogs are barking right in their faces. The dogs seem to like them, as well. So I assume they will have no issues getting along with your dogs. They have also been enclosed with
chickens with no problems, they mostly ignore the
chickens. The
chickens love to follow them around and eat bugs as the pigs
root the ground.
As far as dates. we can rehome them basically now. The latest dates will probably be sometime in September although we are ironing out the details.
Okay, so my husband has a ton of pics on his phone but he is at work at the moment, once I see him later today I will work on this picture thing.