Yes! glad to hear it. I am running out of space and really wanted to plant the rosemary next to the tomatoes. I just don't want to dig any more and we have to dig and till we have so many rocks things wont grow. I really like to double up on things. I am not that well versed in companion planting. It's more if I see space a weed could grow I pull and then plant something I want. More concerned about size. Got 1/2 of the oregano chopped off smells so good. then mulched with
I also read that don't plant sage next to tomatoes and cucumbers are not good next to tomatoes. But both oregano and rosemary are ok for cucumbers. Need to find a reliable site for info on companion planting. It just takes so long trial and error. this year our season is so short way to much rain. So I really want to pack the green house with things that love heat so I can extend the season. So I was thinking fill with tomatoes and cucumbers peppers and herbs to help repel bugs. I try to do chop drop vs traveling to
compost pile.
Do you know of any thing that will hurt the tomatoes?