I'm not familiar with this recipe, but I agree you need to break in there and check it out. I think I'd chill the whole thing if you can, then break off the wax and cut away any spoiled meat.
I'm worried the meat wasn't salted enough. When I made pork prosciutto, I packed the leg in salt in a cooler, then dumped out lots of fluid that had been pulled from the leg, then repacked in dry salt, then dumped out fluid, etc, etc multiple times. This before I hung it up to dry, wrapped in many layers of cheese cloth to keep out bugs.
If you break off the wax, you should be able to re-melt it (be careful, beeswax will combust when it hits the right temperature) and re-use it to coat your prosciutto in progress. Filtering out bits would
be nice, you may have success washing the cold chunks in
water to remove debris.