When a new forum is requested, the first thing we look for is what we already have.
It's a pretty long list.
Is there something there already that will serve?
Is there something there already that is close? Would it do the job if we added/changed the description? What if we changed the name (example: The mason bee forum became 'pollinators' to include other bugs and hummingbirds)
If we can't do that, then we have to find a
volunteer that will commit 10 to 20 hours to make a new forum which has a whole 'nother set of requirements.
There has to be
enough material to populate the new forum within an hour or two or google heaps load of hate on the new forum and it's almost impossible to recover from that.
We need about 20 new threads made and ready to move once the new forum is ready (if you wanted to do that, this would make it easier to find a volunteer to do the rest of the work)
We need about 50 old threads that also fit in the new forum.
I'm very much oversimplifying things as there's a lot of top secret behind the scenes stuff that goes with this.
All in all, it is possible. But if there is some way we can modify an existing forum to incorporate this topic, it will be easier to find a volunteer to work the magic.