Idle dreamer
"To oppose something is to maintain it" -- Ursula LeGuin
1. my projects
Jeanine Gurley wrote:
This collection of photos would be a great resource if labeled with the names on the photos. It hard to find actual photos - I can usually just find drawings.
I tried to go back and forth from the answers to the photos but with my half blind eyes it just wasn't working out.
Paleo Gardener wrote:
Dandelion, wild lettuce, and young sow thistles are often hard to tell apart, but they are all edible, so #1 is definitely edible. A mature dandelion will have deep indents in its leaves, and a wild lettuce or sow thistle will get prickly.
There are no experts, Just people with more experience.
crockettjohnson wrote:i think item 16 & 18 are the only stumpers at the moment. the fruiting plant pictured in #16 is in the back of another home a few doors down from ours as well.
Sometimes the answer is not to cross an old bridge, nor to burn it, but to build a better bridge.
Sometimes the answer is not to cross an old bridge, nor to burn it, but to build a better bridge.
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