I got quite a few pieces for free from a
wood burning stove store, they are off cuts and second hand pieces.
I went into the shop and asked about buying some, they sold it in 2mm or 4mm I wanted a 250 x 300mm piece it was 60 NZ$ or 90 NZ$ respectively but the guy said they has a
bucket of offcuts and replacements in the
yard and to help myself.
I also have several electric cooker tops (ceramic hobs) that I have been given, I am told they can be cut useing a diamond wet saw but I have not tried that yet!
Anyway the glass I have has withstood 547c but I did crack a piece of second hand and opaque looking 2mm but I have a piece of 4mm over the riser that seems to be perfect for the job.
I have managed to cut my pieces quite easily with a cheap glasse cutter and sanded the edges with a diamond wet stone.