Thomas, Yes I was thinking black locust or hedge (Osage orange) if I could find one straight enough, Charring would make it last at least 200 years, Don't think mankind will be around that much longer personalty. Lime hopefully will set the saw dust more solid so it won't settle and maybe detour bugs and
mice as well as the borax, it will also keep any fungus, hopefully. Diatomateous earth would'nt hurt a thing either. I want the whole house to breath like a living thing to help with the musty moldy nasty's that Missouri's climate is so good for. I agree with drainage and of
course a good hat and
boots for cob.I also plan to build a batch box burner, you've probably know about them, sort of a bigger version of the
rocket mass heater, I like being warm.
Pearl, I hope this answers your question also, I think it will let the moister pass in and out through the walls as needed.What is your living situation? Right now I live in an earth home an I have mold and I think my health issues stem from that. I personally think we will be building with cob in Gods new earth, nothing will die not even trees.I might add that I've been on a keto diet and am feeling much better, My wife and I have each lost about 30 lbs.
Caleb, I have had Rob Roy's book The Complete Guide to Cord Wood Masonry for a good 25 years, good book . My son want to build cord wood so I want to try something different.
Thank you all for your comments. I think I've seen almost all the youtube video's on cob, cordwood, cobwood, rammed earth, rocket stoves strawbale, ferro cement, and just about any other alternative building method that its hard for me to find new stuff, lol.
I wish everyone well and Happy Thanksgiving, don't eat to much and be truly thankful for what God has provided. God Bless.