Gooseberries grow wild everyplace (where we are) on the coast of Maine. They seem to thrive where the ocean punishes them most during the winter storms.
I make jelly from them. When I ordered currants, black and red, from Miller's, they wanted to know our physical address, the proximity to the nearest pine(s),
the county where we live, etc. The first year I was able to order my currants, the next year not, the next year I could again. Obviously, the rules change from year to year. While our area never has been a 'piney' one (along with the Gooseberries, there is a red currant patch over 100 years old up in the village) so maybe pines just never felt welcome here. Okay with me as there are woods all over and I like my berries. I've found that extension/state people may be mistaken since currants and gooseberries were simply an 'absolutely not' thing for so very long. Most still think that is true for everywhere. When you see them in your
gardening catalogue, call that company. They will know (usually). If you already have some berries and are ordering more, tell them you have them on your
land. Miller's is pretty careful and they are a very reputable company. Keep trying to order your currants or gooseberries. Rules change. The person at the other end is not always correct. The berries are well worth the effort.