There's a bunch of Youtube tool/gadget makers who I check in on. Besides the topics of making & tools, a few of them ramble on re: their personal opinions about the world, their pet dog (and pet peeves), and the like.
This guy (ChuckE2009) is good on welding & related equipment:
This guy is savvy on home-shop processes — he’s in a prepper mindset, and that comes into his vid list more than I’m interested, but he also does some good tool reviews:
I may think of some others and add them.
On a slight tangent, I wander through a video-list aspect of a bunch of Youtube tool/gadget makers' channels maybe every few days to see what’s new. I find each of them to be hit-or-miss, sometimes brilliant in coming up with some simple gadget or tool, but sometimes posting a new how-to for making something that seems less than wonderfully useful. (Not that my thoughts about that are an objective evaluation, because it’s really about what they’re offering in relation to
my needs or possible advantage.) All of these Youtubers I follow seem attuned to the needs within a
workshop, though only a segment seem to be familiar with the needs of someone living on
land, growing food, building/repairing structures, etc.
So… not sure if that is of interest for this
thread. If it is, then I can post a list of URLs of Youtubers worth considering.