I am glad we are wrestling with this together on Permies.
I understand why it's in the MD forum, but I want to openly acknowledge that we are discussing some of the most meaningful UNdrivel ever.
I came out of a culture which (mis)placed high value on forgiveness but low value on personal accountability. I have had to reexamine my beliefs and practices.
I think of forgiveness in two contexts to help me understand it.
1. Debts and owing
2. Trespass and consequence/punishment
Sometimes I have asked myself the question, "Does anybody owe me anything?" to help me know if I'm holding something against someone.
The second sense seems more complicated, but the answer for me lies in my belief. I will also be vague, but the concept that no injustice goes unnoticed or unavenged takes the question of ultimate punishment out of my hands. That honestly feels like a burden lifted.
I think it is possible to forgive
and press charges, if the trespass warrants it. (consequences; allows for personal accountability)
think it is possible for me to forgive without the offender asking for it or ever being aware they have been forgiven.
I think in the case of an interpersonal relationship, when words hurt so deeply, it is my responsibility to speak up. The highest, purest form of this I can imagine is:
1. I am hurt by someone's words.
2. I alert them to the effect of their words, BUT
- I do so without expectation of anything (apology, change of behavior) in return. Whether they never do it again is out of my control and I know that.
- I release the need to "punish" them (treating them the same way, getting back at them*, withholding affection/interaction from them).
- I am honest with myself that it may happen again, and take measures to prepare for that if needed (setting boundaries, evaluating the relationship, etc).
3. When the memory comes up, I re-acknowledge the pain if need be. I remind myself I have forgiven them and done what was my responsibility to do. All of this is done in private.
4. I allow for time to heal, and space if needed.
Perhaps that's not the highest possible way of forgiving. But it feels like the next highest thing within my reach for where I currently am on the forgiveness/maturity scale.
The most challenging part for me is speaking up.
I think between 1 and 2 a lot of introspection happens, along the lines of what Inge wrote:
For me 'forgiveness' means too I will do some thinking on my own behaviour.
I also think attempting to understand why the other person might have said/done the thing that hurt us shortens the distance to forgiveness.
I imagine it feels like peace, and calm, inside.
Some words hurt worse than others. Sometimes it depends on me (how tired I am, my mood) whether it bothers me or not. I deeply respond to tone of voice and volume, and often I have to remind myself the intent behind the delivery is far different (towards benevolence) than my perception of it is (towards harshness).
*Perhaps this is what "forget" originally meant in the admonition to "forgive and forget". Perhaps the opposite of forgetting is, "I remember what you did to me. When I get the chance, I'm going to do the same to you so you know how it feels."