This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
Electricity and also in
Plumbing and Hot Water.
In this Badge Bit, you will install a micro hydro system. Flowing year-round
water is a tremendous
energy resource. Let's yoke it's strength!
You can install whatever style of micro hydro system you want. A macro hydro system would also qualify. If you make an actual water wheel, there's another BB to gather even more points (
Plumbing - Water Wheel).
Here's a slick installation:
For the electricity BB there are two point options for this BB:
- properly (to code) install in a grid tied house - 20 points
- properly (to code) install in an off-grid house - 10 points
For the plumbing BB there is a point range of 4 to 16 points based on complexity
- a somewhat common installation would get you 8 points
The minimum requirements are:
- install one or more hydro power generation devices
- follow
local codes
- you are doing 90+% of the work
- system generates 100W or more
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, provide proof of the following as pics or
video (less than two minutes):
- the parts of your system as purchased
- the system at two points during the installation
- clear description of the components of your system and how they work together
- the finished installation showing how much power is being generated