I decided to make Fire Cider today. Since I didn't have the ingredients in my garden I went to Marlene's (a
local Whole Foods Style store). I spent $20 and got
enough of everything to make several quarts, except the
honey which I only bought enough for making about a pint.
My recipe is based on the
Traditional Fire Cider at Bastyr University's Health Tips and Recipes site plus some adjustments based on other recipes and articles I reviewed.
I used a 'small' almost-a-pint jar with a clamp/latch and rubber seal instead of a standard jar with a seal and ring. Here is my first batch of Fire Cider.
Honey - Oregon Wild Flower ~4 oz
Champagne Vinegar ~6 oz
Garlic* - 3 large cloves - about 1 tablespoon
Horseradish ~1" piece (I used a julienne cutter)
Ginger* ~ 2" piece
Onion, red, diced/chopped - 1/4 of the onion
Black Pepper - 1/2 teaspoon
Turmeric Powder- 1 teaspoon
Cayenne Powder ~ 1/8 teaspoon
Lemon Peel from 1/8 of a lemon - fresh and diced after white flesh removed
I skipped the coriander and other herbs discussed in the recipe from Bastyr.
Extra items/leftovers:
Put everything in the jar, seal, and shake. Shake daily for about a month then strain. See the Bastyr website and attached recipe
cards for more detailed instructions and dosage information.
* For (some of) the wet 'vegetables' I used my garlic grating plate: