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In this podcast, Paul is in the car by himself and covers various subjects among which are polyculture food, land search update, and cancer.
He talks about the Bullet Proof Executive. He mentions that he thinks like that author that grass fed
beef is the healthiest food in a supermarket. Paul’s opinion is that grass fed beef is the only polyculture food in there.
He goes on to talk about the food from
Sepp Holzer’s
project in Dayton, MT. He recalls a discussion with Michael, the land manager, about how food grown in polyculture
should be sold at a premium because it is healthier and tastier. He also talks about the importance of not irrigating for better taste and nutrition.
Paul gives an update on the land search and mentions that Kickstarter does not allow for real estate. His plan is now to do 2 DVD on Kickstarter. One of them will be about growing a lemon tree in Montana.
Paul is looking for seeds for his new farm: low tannin acorns, Meyer lemon seeds, etc. Start a
thread at if you have any.
Paul expresses his new theory on why the permaculture bigs are cranky people. He talks about needing an assistant.
He finishes the podcast with some thoughts on cancer and an update from Helen Atthowe.
Relevant Links
Podcast 222 - Polyculture Food, Land Search Update, and Cancer
Podcast 171 about the Sepp event in Montana
Podcast 189 - Getting Land
Surviving Cancer
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