Rocket Mass Heaters are possibly the most powerful solution to many of the problems confronting individuals and the global population today. For individuals, Rocket Mass Heaters can save thousands of dollars and bring greater comfort. Around our world, if a billion people used Rocket Mass Heaters as their primary source of heat, it would solve a list of global issues. The only barrier to this solution is . . . knowledge.
During the fall of 2021, Wheaton Labs hosted an event called the Rocket Mass HeaterJamboree, intended to offer this revolutionary and accessible home heating technology to the world and cause massive positive global change. The event was a smashing success. The cameras were rolling. We collected gobs of high-quality video of many different kinds of Rocket Mass Heaters and other Rockety contraptions.
This HD streaming set is an in depth and extended version of the movie Earth Friendly Heat covering 16 hours of the very best at the event and detailing the lectures, designs, and construction of: