I read & was told that all the meds and vitamins you take will pass through your body into your urine. WOW could you come up with some one liner jokes here!
Fresh diluted urine is really good on the soil, I've seen yellow plants turn green in 3 days. I purposly take vitamins for them to pass through so I can doctor the urine to soil needs when I can identify them. Calcium's an easy one so's iron, I'll take some for me, I'll use the rest in the garden. I can't take all the vitamin's for soil need's I'll pass on doses of sulfur until the run's becomes vogue.
The thing about urine is the nutrient's are plant available like they are in worm tea and leacheate, so it's not about heavy dose with little uptake but small amounts that get sucked up at high conversion rates.
I gotta get my hands on a microscope, I've done so many 1000L tea brew's this summer with allot of different combinations of inoculants that some visual data on who's who and how many in a drop of brown water would really help take things out of the subjective "bio-dynamic realm.
Yeah, I've had promising results as well. Good call with the vitamins. Do you dilute a bit? I prefer using smaller doses per plant as well...Although urine is a renewable resource so I'm not too worried ;- ) I've been juicing a compost heap of mine that's fairly new..and I imagine it's gonna get super rich and help with breakdown as I pee on it everynight.
The urine's always diluted and I've learnt my lesson on going past 36 hours of urine stockpiling. I prefer now to take from first morning's pee till about 4pm then dilute and water. I stockpiled about 16 litres and added it to 1000L of compost tea, and it didn't kill any plants but for a week after parts of some plant leaves got all bumpy like they were going to dry up and crack but then it went away after another week. I forget the stages urine goes through but I had mine locked off so gas wouldn't escape but it definitely changed color.
I watched some idiot video about techniques to neutralize urine and separate out the nutrient from the liquid, they had a 3 stage process in the end u ended up with powdery crystal's and leftover dark urine which they threw out. I didn't find the technique useful for anyone except the makers of the video, but I did at least learn the stages of breakdown and where the goodies go. They had to many industrialized chemicals I just couldn't get to take it seriously, but I would like more details on how to preserve it. If I could get 100L in a 1000L tote I could really lay it on broad scale, rather than picking plants that need help in groups.
Ya, I try and avoid excess salt build-up in my soil profile. The worms detest it and will move away. I've been using it fresh outta the system diluted with rain water from my resevoir with good effect. There's no way I'd go thru the trouble of steps on the video you shared. Interesting nonetheless. In industry, urea is highly sought, and I'm sure they use a similar process with industrialized chemicals for extraction.