We're working on defining the remaining levels for a number of badges. We could use your help coming up with more items that could be added to the various lists! If you haven't heard of
PEP yet, please check out
This Thread.
In the past we've set up badges where you have to do a set number of things from a list. The issue with that is that fixing a leak isn't as hard as building a rocket powered hot tub. So instead, we're transitioning to a point based system. Install a sink, earn 1 point. Build an outdoor
shower, earn 4 points. Earn 35 points and you have the
Straw badge completed.
Occasionally there's a range of points. They'll be spelled out in the text of the
BB and this allows for projects of differing complexity to fit in the same BB. For instance - drilling a well.
We've taken a shot at the upper level badges and could use your help rounding them out a bit. Are we missing any important plumbing principles, methods or projects? We especially need help with things with "XXX" in front of them.
Sand badge
(tiny list) complete six of:
fix a leaky faucet
fix a leaky toilet
install an “instant bidet” on a toilet
repair a hose
unclog a drain with zip tool
repair a p-trap
repair a toilet that is not well bolted down
repair a toilet with problems with the lid/seat
clean/decalcify a faucet aerator
clean/decalcify a shower head
perform a water quality test
extract sediment from the cistern
prepare an outdoor shower for winter
prepare an outdoor shower for summer
repair a hydrant
put collected water through a berkey filter
flush the water heater
replace the anode in the water heater
- replace washing machine supply hoses
- replace a sump pump
(big list) complete one of:
install a hydrant
set up a sink with a foot pump
set up a solar water pump (twofer w electric badge)
replacing a faucet
straw badge
35 points required
10 points of duplication allowed
Up to 5 new points (non duplicates) from Sand list allowed
- tiny list counts as ½ point ea, big list as 1 point ea
Make a
water filter (like a berkey water filter) - 1 point
Make a simple sand filter - 1 point
Build a permanent sand filter that is in the plumbing - 8 points
- Handles floaters and sinkers
- Hard plumbed into your system
Fix a leak in a supply pipe - 1 point
Fix a leak in a DWV pipe - 1 point
Replace a toilet - 2 points
Replace a pressure tank - 1 point
Unpressurized rocket
hot water system - 6 points
- plus rocket points
Build an outdoor
shower - 4 points
- including
hot water
- easy to do winter prep / freeze protection
Replace a sink - 1 point
Install a water heater - 4 points
- combo with electrical if it's electrically powered
Install a sump pump and permanent exit piping - 4 points
Create a shallow well (10’ to 35’ deep) - 4-10 points
Make a deep well without drilling - 10-20 points
- ala
Extend a propane piping system to a new location - 2 points
Set up a simple rainwater collection system - 1 point
Set up a sophisticated rainwater collection system - 2-8 points
- what is the freeze plan? A barrel needs ample labeling about winterizing and warm season use only
Install a valve in an existing pipe - 1 point
Extend water supply piping to a new location - 1 point for hot, 1 point for cold
Install a drain (with proper venting) to a new location - 4-8 points
Set up simple
solar hot water system (hand wash station, outdoor shower) - 2 points
- proper labeling about legionella issues
Trench water to a hydrant or outbuilding - 4 points
Change an exterior faucet over to a frost proof style - 1 point
Set up a solar water pump (combo w electrical badge) 1 to 2.5 points
Make a ram pump - 4-8 points
Make a water wheel (combo with ???) - 4 points???
Make a rocket powered hot tub - 4 points?
Make a water tower (>7’ high) - 2 points
Set up an uphill, frost proof cistern - 8 points
Set up a micro hydro power plant - 4-16 points
- Combo with electricity
Build a mobile water system on a trailer (fillable and emptyable) - 8 points
Replace a dishwasher - 1 point
Install a dishwasher in a new location - 2 points
xxx something about the plumbing on Judy (Judy is a truck)
xxx something about getting water from a creek or river and moving it to a developing location
xxx something about using water from a temporary tank
xxx something about high quality water storage
xxx temporary water pump in a pond
wood badge
180 points required
At least 30 new points (non duplicates) from Sand/Straw
Up to 80 points of duplication allowed (from sand/straw/wood)
Set up a pressurized wood fired hot water system - 8 points
Drill a deep well (>40’ deep) - 8-32 points
Set up an elegant solar hot water system - 16-32 points
Rough plumb a small structure - 8 or more points
- Need to get at least 8 points to get this BB
- ½ point per hot, cold or drain point
- 1 point per vent outlet
- 1 point per 100’ of pex
- 1 point per 30’ of copper
- 1 point per 10’ of DWV piping
- 1 point per water heater, water softener, shower valve or other built in appliance/fixture
- 1 point per toilet flange
Rough plumb a house - 32 or more points
- Need to get at least 32 points to get this BB
- ½ point per hot, cold or drain point
- 1 point per vent outlet
- 1 point per 100’ of pex
- 1 point per 30’ of copper
- 1 point per 10’ of DWV piping
- 1 point per water heater, water softener, shower valve or other built in appliance/fixture
- 1 point per toilet flange
xxx septic tank and drain field
xxx Develop a first class cistern and pumphouse that is winter capable
xxx develop an elegant large winter capable cistern for a community
- the cistern improves the water quality with time
xxx a community scale sand filter