I seen this via the Permies threads you didn't see email.
I am a materials person. While I have built some things, I don't claim professional expertice in building stuff.
I have been considering something similar, but with "lab space" on the north wall. I want to be able to culture and scale-up bacteria and fungi, and thought the north side of a
greenhouse made sense for that.
I've seen a few licenses (CopyLeft ?) for OpenHardware. I don't know if any are applicable to buildings.
If you are getting your "climate statistics" from the weather office, it is possible that data is not what you will be observing in 10 or more years time.
I think how much insulation you bury around the perimeter of your foundation is a function of where you are. Both in terms of area and thickness. Such a foundation where I live (56N - Dawson Creek, BC) would need more insulation than you "might". The isotherms take a dive through Manitoba, Minnesota, Wisconsin, ....
Concrete is actually a pretty good conductor of heat (much more so than
wood or most "other" polymers). As such, the exposed exterior foundation and pony walls will transfer heat into (summer) and out of (winter) the structure. This will result in a much larger temperature gradient between the wall/floor and the interior at the perimenter. I have thought of putting layers of aluminum sheet down on top of the concrete (next to the walls), where the aluminum metal transports heat much better than the concrete to "level" the temperature gradients. Does the much smaller gradient over a much larger area save on net heat movemnt? If you use multiple sheets, the oxide thickness will increase over time, and you
should see a decrease in effective contact area between sheets, which means better insulation with age. Perhaps you have heat transfer tubing in part of the foundation "floor"?
Venting. What I've thought about, is to have vent air come underneath the foundation in buried tubing from the north side, instead of draw it from the south exterior. This buried venting should actually help in winter heating, as well as the expected summer cooling. Perhaps build a
solar chimney on the north wall to increase draft?
If a person calls glazing as glass or plastic, might you want many (5? 10?) thin (single sheet of thin plastic) glazings on the inside and maybe just a couple of substantial ones on the outside? Coatings on the glazing?
You might want to tilt off E-W depending on
local geometry. For example, I live on a north facing slope, and the hill is taller to the west. On the winter solstice I get more morning sun than afternoon sun (with direct illumination disappearing before 3pm?).
You want your buried insulation to have a slope to it, so that water percolating down through the soil "rolls" downhill and falls towards the centre of the Earth further away from your foundation.
It sounds like conventional pony wall construction (block and mortar). I haven't yet built one, but I really like surface bonding of dry stacked block. Especially for a wall which doesn't get that tall. The cheap way to surface bond is also a mortar, with plastic fibres in it which go on both outside surface (inside and outside). That is a commercial product, and USDA has data on using it for farm buildings. An alternative is glass fabric/epoxy, which is going to be more expensive (at least double). But, you end up with two membranes (the epoxy) that are near water proof and vapour proof. To dry stack concrete block, you may need to insert shims, as the blocks are designed for the tolerances of mortar, not dry stacking. Normal construction would be to "bed" the first layer of block on the foundation using mortar. I've thought (not done work) of using "T" shaped (probably prepreg) glass/epoxy on the foundation/pony wall "join", but my thoughts assume that the pony wall abuts the outside edge of the foundation (good shear transfer from wall to foundation). Could easily be holes in that idea. Like wood, concrete is porous and will absorb epoxy. So you need to look out for dry joints. Exterior epoxy needs to be shielded from UV. With epoxy on both surfaces, you can't fill the cores with "water". Dry sand or dry gravel might be okay, but pouring in concrete could easily trap a whole bunch of water inside the blocks. If you have
enough epoxy around to bond the surfaces, you can have extra to prepare your truss interfaces. I've no idea if there is established rules on this.
For avoiding thermal bridging (wood to concrete walls mostly I think), it is possible to find 0.25 inch thick aerogel strips that are sized for 2x construction. That gives you R2.5 extra resistance just where the wood is. I don't know what the price is, it probably isn't cheap.
compost bin - if you are doing glass/epoxy surface bonding of dry stacked concrete, the glass/epoxy also gives you a thick (if you use 6 ounce per square
yard glass fabric, the epoxy will also be on the order of 6 ounce per square yard, actually more because the surface you are probably applying to is porous) membrane which is chemically stable and nearly moisture and vapour proof.
I've read about a bunch of phase change materials, but I have no idea on pricing. There was a drywall product with phase change material in it?
If instead of propane auxilliary heating, you had natural gas auxilliary heating; could it also use compost off-gas (possibly contains a lot of methane). Or does that have too much sulfur?
If you had acryllic/polycarbonate rods, you could mount LEDs at the end to pump light in. And you sand the surface (scratch it) to get light out. That might give you a way to distribute auxilliary lighting.
The two best white pigments are both titanium dioxides. I think next best is a zinc oxide. I believe all three are white quite a ways into the UV. I don't remember how "white" they are into the infrared. Some woods are almost transparent to infrared, and some (I believe) absorb quite strongly.
There was news recently, about D&T Farm of Japan and a Mongee (I think I spelled that correctly) bananas and something called a freeze-thaw awakening. The best news article I found was at nekkei.com (spelling?). The researcher's surname is Tanaka. These bananas are very thin skinned, and are treated at -60C in some manner. The plants also grow in 4 months to a height typicaly of a 2 year banana palm.
For summer cooling, having a radiator inside a solar chimney might work?
Seeing your comment about solex, you probably won't like glass/epoxy.
I think if you are going to pump air between two layers of plastic, that you need to condition the air. It probably needs to be dry all year long. What temperature it is with respect to inside the
greenhouse and outdoors would probably need to be considered.
Not spell-checked (but then, I don't use autocorrect either).