Pönttöuuni Finnish heater (Russian Rocket)
0 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Thyri Gullinvargr
rocket mass heaters |
Article about a couple of ladies who started a fermented foods business
1 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Christopher Weeks
fermentation |
Zaytuna Farm Tour by Geoff Lawton
7 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Jondo Almondo
geoff lawton |
For laughs - 50 Nerds of Grey
0 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Thyri Gullinvargr
meaningless drivel |
How did we get here (permies.com, that is)?
7 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Glenn Jones
meaningless drivel |
Attachments button sometimes missing on mobile...sort of
5 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Karen Donnachaidh
tinkering with this site |
Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
PM Link Missing in Posts
4 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Thyri Gullinvargr
tinkering with this site |
Are you crazy?/Are you stupid? Flip side of the Wheaton Eco scale?
10 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Travis Johnson
meaningless drivel |
Performance - The Musichanical
0 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Thyri Gullinvargr
meaningless drivel |
Amazing Girl Uses PVC Pipe Compound BowFishing To Shoot Fish
7 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Larry Bock
hunting and fishing |
Free tiny house plans with YouTube videos
0 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Thyri Gullinvargr
tiny house |
2017 Wisconsin Permaculture Convergence August 4-6
2 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Thyri Gullinvargr
conferences / convergences |
DIY, Open Source, Vertical Indoor Hydroponics
0 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Thyri Gullinvargr
aquaponics |
Homemade Sawmill
2 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Thyri Gullinvargr
gear |
Efficient Solar Water Still - novel design using a floating element that wicks the water
1 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Thyri Gullinvargr
gear |
Energy Efficiency at Birken Forest Monastery
0 |
Thyri Gullinvargr
Thyri Gullinvargr
conservation |