We've been adding
wood chips to our community garden paths for five year now, and we've got great soil. There's about ten of us and 600m2 of garden.
The downside is, the soil is now so biologically active that a woodchip path doesn't last the season, even with
cardboard below, and the garden is becoming a jungle!
I'm thinking we need to switch over to mowing the paths with
lawn mower and petrol driven strimmer (we don't have the scything skills). How often, and at what times during the year, do we need to do this in order to keep paths open? We'll continue to use wood chip which gets delivered free, but mainly on beds and around bushes.
Another problem zone is the
fence next to the neighbour who hates the
bindweed that climbs up. Unfortunately, we can't plant anything valuable on that strip because of access to power lines below. Any ideas?
We are located by lake Geneva, Switzerland, which is a mild climate, but drier than England.