List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
Idle dreamer
Dale Hodgins wrote:Humid tropical slopes are the natural home of the banana. They don't require constant soil disturbance.
If I was looking to feed animals, it would be rows of trees and bushes planted parallel to the slope, with grass in-between.
I think I recall seeing your name on a thread that dealt with dense tropical grasses. That seems like an appropriate use of space, until you have some over story. I imagine there would be lots of sickle or machete work.
I've been shopping for a very similar land, and I don't imagine that I will ever put a tractor on it. The only way that I can see winning a battle with those grasses, is to clear small areas, get bananas or papayas or something else into the ground, and then be vigilant in cutting the grass around the new planting and using it as mulch. So there's no reason to cause erosion, because there's no end to available mulch.
Running heavy equipment, which will invariably become tangled, is a sure route to erosion and financial ruin.
Dale Hodgins wrote:If you are in an area where labour is very cheap, it's hard to beat a man with a machete or sickle.--- In fact you should never try that, since he's armed.☺
I think for spot planting, that sounds reasonable. You may find it necessary to use the sickle on a spot before you run the tiller. I've gotten one tangled up in 3 foot Timothy grass. Some of the larger grasses are going to wind up into a solid mass, if they aren't cleared away first.
If I were spot clearing tall grasses, I would probably use my cordless electric hedge cutter, since it allows it to be sheared into whatever size I want and it drops straight down instead of being flung all over the place. That's handy if you want to use it as mulch.
yeah, but ... what would PIE do? Especially concerning this tiny ad:
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)