should probably clarify... My asparagus are planted, and doing well. My strawberries are likewise already planted, and(except where the
chickens destroyed them) also doing well. My question was whether the crocus could cohabitate with either of them, or if they'd need their own, dedicated container. Everything here is in (very large) containers, and I'm slowly building soil to add to them, so it's a bit scarce. We live in the Ozarks, and our most abundant crops, on our bit of
land, are wild blackberries, acorns, and rocks - in reverse order. The
trees and blackberries have claimed all the available soil, and this has only been our 3rd summer, here, so I've not had a lot of time to build sufficient soil to even fill the semi-proper raised beds - only a few converted mineral tubs - for planting. This was a soil conservation effort, but(obviously), I'm going to have to buy some more soil to combine with my
compost, for these babies. That's OK. I was just trying to be super cheap, and 'make do' with the ones I'd already filled, instead of filling more from my stash.