My asparagus is doing great! It comes up in the
greenhouse in March, mostly, and outdoors in April. This is the season when vegetables are not available locally, so it's great for me.
Asparagus is edible -- and delicious! -- raw, fresh from the garden.
I grew it all from seed, mostly Jersey Knight seed from Johnny's Seeds, and one or two of the plants are Precoce d’Argenteuil from Baker Creek. The Precoce seem to come up a little earlier than the Jersey Knight, but the plants are 1 year younger so maybe younger plants come up earlier. I sowed a few in 2017 in containers that got overcrowded by the time I planted them out in place in 2018. And I sowed more seeds in 2018 and 2019.
As you can see in the photo, the ones in the
greenhouse come up insanely fat. In the greenhouse there about 4 plants, and so far this March have been getting one spear every 2 or 3 days. The outside garden has much more space devoted to it so in April we'll have
enough to take inside and cook.
I've showed you mine, now show us yours!