Climate change is requiring that we rethink growies here in my area of southern Oregon. It was already an established pattern that there’s little to no rainfall for over 100 days in the summer. Add to that that we’re now routinely getting stretches of 100+F/37+C each summer and precipitation is not as abundant overall. There are many things to do and adapt to make growing things possible, but what I’d like to focus this
thread on is raised beds.
Disability limitations have made my raised beds (see photo) more valuable than ever for me for any annuals. I simply cannot rely on my body’s ability to get down to the ground (or get up again) with the frequency that annual care and harvesting requires, so having the plants up at thigh level is a game-changer. I filled the bottom of the beds with
wood (hugel-like), then
straw then soil, mulch, etc. They still require a far larger and more frequent input of
water than I would like; we’ve experimented with several types of watering systems and not had good results. I’m considering converting these to wicking beds, but the amount of physical labor to do so is a bit intimidating, as I think would involve removing
all the soil and the underlying wood.
Has anyone done this kind of conversion? Is there an easier way that I’m overlooking? I’ve thought about ollas, but I think I’d need quite a few and the cost is…gulp. Any ideas appreciated.