when we dug up an area last year to lay pex in for woodboiler ..we destroyed the
lawn between us and our son..we always have problems getting new lawns established here..as it is generally too wet or too dry.
well this year we planned..we watched for an extended rain forcast and we put the seed in..raked it in well and put some spoiled
hay over it..and it came in very quickly..we had another area to sow later..and didn't plan so well..but ended up having to
water it..it came in faster as it was warmer..but it required daily watering..
the last place we put in grass seed we had to water 4 days..and the extended rain we have had this week has taken care of the rest..all areas are now tall
enough to mow except for the last one..but it is all up and growing..
yes Paul, there are other plants in this lawn..the wet areas even have cattails..sheesh our
land is low !!...and honestly it sounds like a lot but we only leave lawn where we have to have drive lanes for deliveries and areas for the kids to play.