...Trying to start an urban eco-logical cohousing community here in the East Bay, California.
Julie Pastore wrote:Hi Adam,
There is a lot to say by way of introduction. So maybe a phone call..? I can send you my resume?
I am in a very similar situation except that I am finally leaving, with a push from the landlord (who wants to sell), the home of 13 years in Oakland (I followed the kids' dad here). And feeling like I will go crazy if I can't continue to implement my creative edible landscape- and natural building- type visions. I can share pics of what I've done here (accomplished having spent almost nothing due to not owning the land).
I currently nurture
passion vine,
thornless blackberry,
prickly pear,
aloe, agave,
various other succulents,
I have been trying to figure out a scenario in which my youngest son can finish high school with his friends (at Berkeley high), but the Bay Area is so expensive, we'd end up in a concrete hovel and I'd be much happier if we could get more rural in a spacious place. I'm open to collaborating on a land purchase or lease.
Nick Lee wrote:Hi Adam
We are in the Adirondack Mountains of NY. If it's not too far away, I'll tell you all about our ranch in the mountains! ~Nicky
Adam Gardener wrote:
Julie Pastore wrote:Hi Adam,
There is a lot to say...trying to figure out a scenario in which my youngest son can finish high school with his friends (at Berkeley high), but the Bay Area is so expensive, we'd end up in a concrete hovel and I'd be much happier if we could get more rural in a spacious place. I'm open to collaborating on a land purchase or lease.
I can definitely relate. The reason we are moving before we are ready is that our landlords are tearing down the cabin we rent to build their forever home.
Unfortunately due to losses from wild fire, and losses from the holding company of my investments going bankrupt, and the general lack of opportunity to earn capital out here I am in no place to purchase land, but I wish you luck!
...Trying to start an urban eco-logical cohousing community here in the East Bay, California.
Julie Pastore wrote:
Adam Gardener wrote:
Julie Pastore wrote:Hi Adam,
There is a lot to say...trying to figure out a scenario in which my youngest son can finish high school with his friends (at Berkeley high), but the Bay Area is so expensive, we'd end up in a concrete hovel and I'd be much happier if we could get more rural in a spacious place. I'm open to collaborating on a land purchase or lease.
I can definitely relate. The reason we are moving before we are ready is that our landlords are tearing down the cabin we rent to build their forever home.
Unfortunately due to losses from wild fire, and losses from the holding company of my investments going bankrupt, and the general lack of opportunity to earn capital out here I am in no place to purchase land, but I wish you luck!
So not to purchase, what about Renting/Leasing? Or are you only interested in joining an established site?
...Trying to start an urban eco-logical cohousing community here in the East Bay, California.
Apolonia Paulusse wrote:Hi Adam. Last year I started stewarding 3 acres lake front property with nice 3 bedroom house here in subtropical S Texas. The idea is a permaculture farm here, but my son left for a job in California so I am needing some partners. I am an acupuncturist for 30 years and now aspire to farm.I am getting a kick out of transforming a lawn into delicious food and learning to cook with it. I am needing creative solutions all the time it seems .We still have good of both worlds here:hot showers and citywater plus the Rio Grande estuary. I am hinking of most loving solutions for us and planet and inspire others. There is a nice Farmersmarkt where i got many of my starting plants very cheap $! or $2 and now sell my baby plants for cheap there. The market is subsidized by the Health department so for backyard growers no overhead. Ther is a 1 acre wilderness here too where someone could park or build.
Best luck: satisfaction
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